So VERY long story short...
Yours truly... has been running on 21lbs of pressure on two tires and even lower on the other two.
I knew I needed tries, but didn't realise they were so low. Shushi was kind enough to meet up with me one day this week and confirmed my suspicions. YES YOU NEED TIRES!!!!
I told him I was going over to Brad's shop and he gladly went with me. About an hour later, and what I call "gansta shop talk" (inside joke) they worked a SWEEEET deal for rims and tires!
With out Sush walking me through it all, and without Brad being so kick ass, I the baby wouldn't have new shoes.
I went from old stinky running shoes to Jimmy Chu's! I can not wait to show you all! from 15" to 17"
So... THANK YOU SUSHI and BRAD. I really appreciate your kind hearts and willingness to answer my millions of questions and demanding requests! ha ha