DMC - Picnic at the Peak & Membership Meeting - May 17

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DMC - Picnic at the Peak & Membership Meeting - May 17

Postby danjmcs » Sat May 02, 2009 8:50 pm

The MadMen have put together an event for May 17th, Picnic at the Peak! Picacho Peak that is!

The DMC Board thought it would be a good event to also serve as our Annual Membership Meeting, so everyone please come on down to Picacho Peak for a nice picnic and we'll also have a little club business.

The park does have a $6 per Mini entrance fee, so bring a few dollars for that.

The DMC has reserved the "Cholla Ramada" for 10:30AM to 4PM.
Cholla Ramada: Four picnic tables & grills, water source. Wheelchair accessible. Electric (lighting and 110 volt outlets). Close proximity to parking, restrooms, hiking trails, and playground. Reservation fee $25.00

I'll also bring an EZUP Canopy in case we need one for more shade/seating area.

This will be a "pot luck" picnic. Bring your toys: frisbees, kites, horseshoes, etc or take a hike up the peak!

What should you bring: Finger foods, salads, chips, casseroles, desserts. Please RSVP so we can keep track.

May temps on average show: High 94
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Postby azminiman » Mon May 04, 2009 5:42 am

we head of town the next day for vacation, we will be busy getting ready, and have family coming in that we will not be able to make it.
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Postby OPC » Wed May 06, 2009 4:08 pm

I'll be there.
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Postby on2wheels » Wed May 06, 2009 7:11 pm

I am tentatively planning on attending.
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Postby deemotored » Wed May 06, 2009 11:07 pm

I will actually be able to go to this meeting for the first time in 3 years. Thanks for making it a Sunday.

Now I can give a treasurer's report without having to phone it in.
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Postby Skinny's Bro » Thu May 07, 2009 2:09 am

Why not? :D :D
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Postby danjmcs » Fri May 08, 2009 3:37 pm

It won't be in a Mini, but we'll be there :)
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Postby deemotored » Fri May 08, 2009 3:42 pm


Hey a little birdie told me there will be PRIZES at the meeting.
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Postby 66Cooper » Sat May 09, 2009 4:20 pm

deemotored wrote:yay!!!

Hey a little birdie told me there will be PRIZES at the meeting.

That bird should be stuffed, roasted and served to the masses!

That was supposed to be top secret, suspected by the regular attendees, unknown by others. Now see what happened. You and that bird spoiled it and tons of people are gonna show up for this event and ruin my chances of winning anything! AGGHHHHHHH.
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Postby Gottoon » Sat May 09, 2009 8:17 pm

At this point I am going to say I am a possible attendee. I have family in town that day and if they don't mind coming with I will be there.

For my pot luck dish, I am going to bring some nice Classic honey cornbread. Trust me.... you don't want to miss that....
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Postby carjoy » Mon May 11, 2009 1:47 pm

I'm moving that weekend so I'm not going to make this one. Sounds like lots of fun though!
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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Tue May 12, 2009 3:58 am


Martha & Ray - veggie tray and chips
Marsha & Dave - Green Bean Salad
Patty & Jon - Three Bean Salad
Carolyn - Veggies & Ranch Dip - maybe cheese & crax
Andrew - Classic Honey Corn Bread
Dee - Cookies
Scott - Pasta Salad
Jim - Potato Salad
Barney - Gummy Bear Casserole

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Postby MINImama » Tue May 12, 2009 5:00 pm

The Michel(l)es (delys and MINImama) will be missing this event. We had already planned a much-needed and well-deserved MINI vacation this weekend. \:D/ :bounce:

Everyone have a safe trip down to Picacho Peak and back to the Valley :drive
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Postby MiniBot » Wed May 13, 2009 12:04 am

I'm planning on attending, and for my potluck, I'll be bringing a main dish of orzo, grilled vegetables & shrimp AND, because I couldn't decide between the two, vanilla and coconut cupcakes (a little philosophy left over from my retail therapy days).

Also, I don't know what the plan is regarding dishes, but I have some dinnerware sets that are made of hard plastic. Each set has a plate, bowl, cup, knife, fork & spoon and I have enough for up to 20 people. I would be happy to bring them, and it would be 'greener' than using paper plates.


p.s. I'll also be bringing a Sharpie for any cast signing opportunities.....Dan
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Postby MiniBot » Wed May 13, 2009 12:04 am

I'm planning on attending, and for my potluck, I'll be bringing a main dish of orzo, grilled vegetables & shrimp AND, because I couldn't decide between the two, vanilla and coconut cupcakes (a little philosophy left over from my retail therapy days).

Also, I don't know what the plan is regarding dishes, but I have some dinnerware sets that are made of hard plastic. Each set has a plate, bowl, cup, knife, fork & spoon and I have enough for up to 20 people. I would be happy to bring them, and it would be 'greener' than using paper plates.


p.s. I'll also be bringing a Sharpie for any cast signing opportunities.....Dan
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