Had to make a quick stop.

Here ducky, ducky, ducky.

Mustang Sally, er Barbie... also served as our vehicle under $5K for sale in addition to being our pink vehicle.

wow, exciting pics, huh? And why am I posting these??

We couldn't just find one golf cart, we had to search until we found THREE! Suppose that's why we didn't win?

Ok, really had to twist my arm to pose for this one!

hmmm navigator, did this one just slip in by accident

recruiting a new Mini...this one earned me a new lanyard!

Pool toys (umm, the ducks, that is... Mark may have a different opinion though

That's it folks! Exciting pics huh? And once again... why did I post them?
Dee and Scott, I had a blast! One of funnest (is that a word?) events I've attended... who wants to do the Amazing Race next?