DWM - Driving while MINI

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DWM - Driving while MINI

Postby Chili Mini » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:14 am

Peoria police stopped me yesterday p.m. as I was turning into Ventana Lakes. Asked me if I thought it was dangerous the way I "cut in front of the car you passed?" I said absolutely not. Car in front was doing about 30 in a 35 zone when I jinked around him (as MINIs are wont to do). Officer didn't give me a ticket but said to "take it easy around the older drivers in this area."

This is the second time - A Surprise officer stopped me on Bell Rd. once for "changing lanes too abruptly." He said I wasn't speeding, and I did signal.
Didn't give me a ticket then either.

Wonder if this happens in the Scottsdale area where there are more MINIs.
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Postby azdavis » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:18 pm

I think they just wanted to take a closer look at your Mini! :D
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Postby Pete Immel » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:14 am

Thursday on the way to work I pulled up to a right turn, stopped at the light, noticed an officer of the law sitting on a motorcycle between the two lanes of traffic I was about to pull in front of. They were all stopped for the left turn traffic which included a large cargo truck. I was in no way pulling in front of anyone so I scooted out sharply as the truck was moving through the intersection and I have to admit I may have gotten close to 60mph very briefly but quickly pulled back to a mere 5 over the posted and with a smile watched the officer come screaming up to my left rear and post himself there for awhile. I'm not sure what his expression was as he passed me but I almost felt like he wasn't happy that I didn't keep speeding. Ain't MINIS fun!
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Postby deemotored » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:07 pm

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