Because of how this years route has come together, and with the Toys for Tots event on Sunday the 18th, we will be starting this year at Mini of Tempe, 7855 S Test Drive, Tempe, AZ 85284. This will give those that can't attend the Sunday morning event a chance to also drop off toys on Saturday before the Lights Run.
As we did last year, we will be giving out a prize to the best decorated Mini on the run, so start putting your ideas together!
Please arrive at the dealership by 5:30PM and around 5:45PM we will expect those that have decorated Minis to be ready to be judged so we can determine the winner(s) and give out some prizes! We will then we head out at 6PM sharp!
This is typically about a 2-3 hour run from start to finish, with a treat break and/or bathroom stop(s) along the way.
Bring your radios, cameras and sense of adventure! Hopefully you'll see some parts of the valley you haven't seen before. We also highly recommend you bring a navigator! It makes it much easier as we wind in and out of the various neighborhoods!
Also, if you are not decorating your car to win some prizes, please park in the street in front of the dealership so there is room in the parking area for those decorated MiNis to be parked/judged, as well as for customer parking, since the dealership is still open til 7PM, thanks!
Please RSVP if you plan to attend so we can get some idea of an attendance count.
Here are some members pictures and videos from prior years runs to give you an idea of what to expect to see!
http://s840.photobucket.com/albums/zz32 ... 0Dec%2018/
http://www.flickr.com/photos/27981704@N ... 236500622/