** - Updated 11/19/07 - Added first stop/secondary meet-up point in Wickenburg
Remember the Jerome run in Summer 2006? Miserable 110+ temps and a lot of people ready to hit the road early after getting a bite to eat. Well, this year we decided to push that run to later in the year, and now is the time! This was our first run with the DRP when we joined in 2005 and is the favorite of many members, so another one not to miss.
Please join us on a Fun Run to Historic Jerome, AZ on Sunday, December 2nd. This will take up most of the day, with a meet-up time of 7AM and a departure time of 7:30AM from the Starbucks at I-17 and Happy Valley Road, 2501 W Happy Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85085.
Note: Our first stop will be in Wickenburg at the 2nd Shell station as you come into town from Phoenix. This will also serve as a secondary meet-up point if you don't wish to meet at the Starbucks on I-17. If you plan to meet up with the group in Wickenburg, please let me know so we know who to expect where, so we don't leave anyone behind. The main group should arrive in Wickenburg at 8:15-20, and we will head out no later than 8:45.
We'll have a stop or two along the way, but the basic route will will take us West via the Carefree Highway through Wickenburg and then into Prescott via Yarnell Hill and onto Jerome for lunch hopefully by 11AM. This route to Jerome has a really good mix of scenic views and twisty roads and really makes for a nice drive.
We'll spend 2-3 Hours in Jerome for lunch, to give everyone plenty of time to fill their bellys and spend some time wandering around a really unique town. We'll then head back to the valley around 1 or 2, via Cottonwood and I-17. This route should put us back in town around 4PM, depending on how much time we spend in Jerome and on stops.
Please reply in this thread of you are going to make it, or drop me an email at dan@coopahs.com.
Trip Length: Appx 235 Miles.
Basic Route Map is shown below, exact stops before Jerome are TBD