B.E.A.T. (British Euro Auto Tour) 2008 Apr 19th/20th

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B.E.A.T. (British Euro Auto Tour) 2008 Apr 19th/20th

Postby danjmcs » Wed Jan 09, 2008 3:13 am

Greetings and welcome to another year of enjoying our classic cars. We've got the New Year's behind us and now it's time to mark our calendars for the annual B.E.A.T. (British Euro Auto Tour). A lot of friends have asked for the tour dates this year and as a reminder, it's always the weekend after tax filing. So, this year the tour is on the 19th. & 20th. of April. The registration this year remains the same at $100. Registrations received after April 1 will be $125. So please register early. A number of drivers have asked if the route will change and I answer that inquiry with the special stops we make in Wickenburg, Prescott and Cottonwood, it would be hard to find a more exciting and fun route. Sometimes it's not the journey to look forward to, but the company you get to meet along the way. In keeping with Roger's thoughts and desires, the tour has become the largest multi marque drive in the southwest. The new friends you will meet along the way is the true reward. To get the word out regarding your tour, I have already meet with the Triumph Club and their membership to talk about the drive. On January 23rd. I've been invited to meet with the Alfa Romeo group at their monthly meeting. How about your club meeting ? I would enjoy stopping by and chatting with your group so to that extent, drop me a line. I will make an effort to attend those events I'm invited to. Hey, how about the web site with all the pictures and information since 2004, including the current application available for you to down load. A big thanks goes out to Matt Williams for his work in keeping the web site up and running. Again this year we have plans on parking on "Whiskey Row" in Prescott, 89A . This ability takes a bunch of work by Janice and myself to get permission from the merchants on Whiskey Row. Each year it remains one of the hardest items of the tour, we will again make this effort and let's all hope we are again successful. Thoughts and suggestions ? Let us know and spread the word. We had 150 registered vehicles in 2007 and that's a great number of friends to spend the weekend with.
Mike Goodwin & KoolKat
' 68 OTS E Type W/HT & SUs
Phoenix, AZ USA www.beataz.com

This event is an all-makes British 2-Day Tour that is now going into its 11th year. A number of DMC members have taken part in this event over the years. It is a very well organized event and is a lot of fun. It gives us a chance to mix with some of the other clubs around the state and enjoy a lot of the same roads we do in our Minis, but with 100+ other cars on the road.

Something to think about as we put our plans together for April!

Nice article about the organizers and event from last year
http://www.azcentral.com/community/ahwa ... ns-ON.html

And some pictures from the 2006 Event:
http://www.dynamicminicollective.org/fo ... t&start=15
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Postby azminiman » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:00 am

This has been a fun event n the past.. Will be doing again.. Would be nice to see more of a DMC showing this time.
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Postby danjmcs » Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:04 am

Yeah, we had a scheduling conflict last year, but we'll try to make it again this year, it is a good time.
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Postby danjmcs » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:47 am

Latest update on the BEAT.

Subject: British Euro Auto Tour - Saturday, April 19th. & Sunday, April 20th. Reminders

For those of you interested in attending the 11th. Annual British Euro Auto Tour (B.E.A.T.) that takes place on Saturday, April 19th. & Sunday, April 20th. (less than 7 weeks away) and have not registered or booked your room yet we have a few reminders to point out ~

* the final day for us to advise Anton Sports of the breakdown of t-shirt sizes is Friday, March 21st. ~ there is no guarantee of you getting the size you want if you do not register before this date

* the cut-off date for our block of rooms at Little America is Saturday, March 29th. ~ rooms after this date will be made available to the general public ~ to guarantee that a room is available for you please book prior to this date ~ if you book your room after March 29th. and a room is still available you will still get the discounted rate of $81.00 as long as you mention the B.E.A.T.

* any registrations post-marked after April 1st. are subject to the fee increase of $125.00 instead of the $100.00 registration fee

We've been able to secure Whiskey Row in Prescott again this year for our lunch and shopping stop. We'll be parking our cars on Montezuma Street (parallel to the businesses on Whiskey Row) so if you've never been on the drive check out the website ~ click on "Prescott" for several pictures from previous years and you'll see what 150 cars look like on this street.

Please Remember ~ we have several cities and businesses to coordinate with so please register early and make it easy for your organizers !

Thanks !
Mike & Janice Goodwin

Mike Goodwin & KoolKat
' 68 OTS E Type W/HT & SUs
Phoenix, AZ USA www.beataz.com
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Postby azminiman » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:42 am

lets get some more on this one.. we only had a few minis last year...
[b]Former DMC founding member, 1st new MINI owner in AZ, 10 time AMVIV, 3 time MITM, 3 time MTTS, 2 time MINI United England-France. Visitor to 80 MINI dealers in US, 10 Canadian, and 6 European countries.[/b]
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Postby GOTCURVES » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:31 am

I really want to do this but...I (or is it we Dan?) have a scheduling conflict. The final autox event for the spring series is April 20th. :(
Life moves pretty fast....
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Postby danjmcs » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:56 am

GOTCURVES wrote:I really want to do this but...I (or is it we Dan?) have a scheduling conflict. The final autox event for the spring series is April 20th. :(

I'll skip it to do the BEAT this year... not like im up for any awards except bottom-feeder... hehe.
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Postby minidad » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:40 pm

just found tis... am checking my scheduling to see if I can devote the 2 days to driving... and fun...50/50 right now
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Postby danjmcs » Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:14 pm

FYI on the registration, the registration this year remains the same at $100. Registrations received after April 1 will be $125.
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Re: wow!

Postby azminiman » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:49 am

minidad wrote:just found tis... am checking my scheduling to see if I can devote the 2 days to driving... and fun...50/50 right now

day 2 is just basicly to get home.. so you can determine when you would want to do that... It is a great event.. should do if you can
[b]Former DMC founding member, 1st new MINI owner in AZ, 10 time AMVIV, 3 time MITM, 3 time MTTS, 2 time MINI United England-France. Visitor to 80 MINI dealers in US, 10 Canadian, and 6 European countries.[/b]
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OK!! I'm going to mail (>?!?)

Postby minidad » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:51 am

OK I'm gonna go print/mail ?! :shock: the F ing money to do this..can't believe I have to actually write a check... wonder if I can still do that :roll:
Should be in the mail be Weds..... hope others of "us" are gona go, I dont wanna be the only NEW car there :wink:
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Postby It Works » Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:20 am

It's a fun trip. I did it two years ago. I think we had 7 or 8 other MINIs... Dan/Marilyn, John/Shelly, Todd, Trace/Bob were there but I can't remember who else... I was a newbie. Lots of cool old cars...some slow drivers...some faster....

If I can swing it, I'll go again this year! :D
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whats "mail"

Postby minidad » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:38 pm

:lol: OK I'm sittin here next to a rectangular shaped white paper thing I heard is called an envelope.... In it is the printed form and one of those old things the bank used to make you pay for and you kept track of in a leger..... yes thats right a HAND written check?! :?
Now I just have to go out , hunting as it were, for one of those large blue boxes, where our government employee will hopefully pick it up/take across town and properly deliver .....on time
Come on everyone lets get our government working for us!! Send in your APP's now.....
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Postby scuzzlepook » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:34 pm

Mark & I are going again this year.. one car only though.
We also have another *ahem* inactive member that will also be joining us in their MINI.
Had a great time last year; will be printing the application today, dusting off the cobwebs from the checkbook and mailing out tomorrow. :D
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Postby deemotored » Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:29 pm

Perhaps you can convince said expired member to rejoin...
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