B.E.A.T. (British Euro Auto Tour) 2008 Apr 19th/20th

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Postby azminiman » Fri Apr 11, 2008 4:31 am

deemotored wrote:I thought it was the Floryan Inn. :roll:

I believe it is the Floyan Mini B&B
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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:55 pm

ATTENTION Southern Arizona BEAT Participants

We are joining the Tucson British Car Register for a laid back drive to Phoenix on Friday April 18th to participate in the BEAT.

Meeting point: Ernie's British Car, 1121 W Wetmore Rd Tucson, 9:30 AM
Departure time: 10:00 AM SHARP

NW side rendezvous: Frontage Rd/Tangerine Rd approximately 10:30 AM

Basic Route: Frontage Rd north past Picacho, through Eloy, Toltec to Casa Grande. We will picnic at a public park on the route in Casa Grande, so either bring along a picnic lunch/drinks/etc or pick up something along the way. From CG we will continue west to Maricopa, then north through the Gila Indian Reservation arriving in Phoenix on 51st Avenue. We will continue to Northern Blvd and go east. Most of us have reservations around the intersection of Northern and I-17, close to the starting point for the BEAT.

The drive is designed for non-interstate enjoyment, relaxation and arrival in Phoenix before rush hour. You are welcome to join the group for any section of the run.
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Postby Istara » Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:21 am

Hrmm.. if only I didn't have to work on Friday :(

But at least I'll be buzzing on tons of coffee at 4 am Saturday morning! :shock:
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Postby carjoy » Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:15 pm

I'm a definite for this. Will be there bright and early! :D
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Postby scuzzlepook » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:16 pm

This is awesome you guys! I'm glad to see more club members representing than there were last year! :D
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Postby danjmcs » Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:40 pm

scuzzlepook wrote:This is awesome you guys! I'm glad to see more club members representing than there were last year! :D

Yep, very cool. Should be a gorgeous drive and weekend too.

Wickenburg, AZ - Saturday
Abundant sunshine. Highs in the mid 80s and lows in the low 50s.

Prescott, AZ - Saturday
Mainly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 30s.

Flagstaff, AZ - Saturday
Windy with sunshine. Highs in the low 60s and lows in the low 30s.

Looks like dress warm for the early mornings, but should be awesome by late morning/afternoon!
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Postby scuzzlepook » Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:06 pm

From Koolkataz:

Welcome to the 11th. Annual B.E.A.T. drive, the largest multi marque driving event in the Southwest.
Thank you all for participating. 160+ cars and we have a great bunch of cars this year. First of all a little safety information. Let's not rearrange any boulders or lose any undercarriages this year. The police know we are coming and they know our route and times, let's just have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of the next driver.
We need everyone to be at the starting point, I-17 & Dunlap Rd, east side of I-17, just north of the Sheraton prior to 6 a.m.
We have a great goody bag for you and need to pass them all out. If you are joining us in Wickenburg, do not arrive at that location prior to 7:15 a.m., the staff needs to setup and get the coffee & donuts served. Remember, there are people behind you so share the donuts, one per person. Someone grab me one as I'm the last to arrive. The goody bags will be delivered to the Wickenburg group by Craig Kenyon, so watch for his Red Porsche.

Parking in Prescott will be fun and tight this year. Craig and I will be parking each of you, watch for us and help us to park you and the next car. No one has ever had any paint scratch in the parking on Whiskey Row and that's our plan for this year, just work with us to get everyone a spot. Don't forget to use your B.E.A.T. bucks for lunch in Prescott; we have five restaurants waiting for our group. Also, please take lots of pictures with your digital camera so we can have some great shots to share at the Happy Hour & breakfast Sunday morning. Individual car & driver pictures will be taken in Cottonwood, along with the best sounding exhaust contest and a special contest - all happening in Cottonwood. We have a special trophy designed by Stephen Golde for that winner; both contests will be judged by Craig Kenyon. We have driving directions set up by Lance Johnson and this year we have included a route through Sedona or the standard route thought Cornville.
We are very pleased to have Doc & Margaret Scadron provide the truck & trailer to assist anyone with simple car repairs. Stephen Golde will be handling the chase vehicle. The roadside repairs are to help with a flat tire, out of gas or other simple items. No major work will be done by Stephen on the roadside or in any parking lots. Each driver needs to have his vehicle in top shape with additional parts for their vehicle as the owner sees fit. Any gas or parts supplied by Stephen will be paid for by the end user. If your vehicle needs to be towed or trailered, it will go forward on the route to the next safe location, not backwards on the route. At that next safe location, the owner will be on their own for additional repairs / service. Please make note of Stephen's cell number 602-953-0392. Everyone should have their AAA card; it's really cheap for what you get.

Remember, read your rally book, the directions are very good and solid; if you do find anything out of line, let me know. We have three vendors joining us this year at the Happy Hour and breakfast, stop by and introduce yourself they have some great items just for our group.
Mike & Janice Goodwin & KoolKat ' 68 OTS E Type Phoenix, AZ USA www.beataz.com
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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:45 pm

RE: Friday's convoy to PHX

Our lunch stop is O'Neil Park, corner of E. Cottonwood Lane and Casa Grande Ave, in Casa Grande.

BYO everything. We are having BBQ Squirrel. YUM!!

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Postby danjmcs » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:10 pm

Only a few hours away! Yeah! :)

Lots of freeway closures/detours this weekend. Plan accordingly if your having to go across town to get to the meeting spot at I17/Dunlap.

http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/ ... s0418.html
Last edited by danjmcs on Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby th3118 » Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:56 pm

Look's like it will be a great weekend. You guys have fun, wish I was going. :(

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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:45 am

We're in PHX! Great drive with the British folks from Tucson. See everyone in the early AM.

Jon & Patty
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Postby danjmcs » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:56 am

JPMINITUCSON wrote:We're in PHX! Great drive with the British folks from Tucson. See everyone in the early AM.
Jon & Patty

Sorry we couldn't hook up with you guys for dinner tonight, but still not out of work yet and still have a little prep for tomorrow, and that 6AM at the lot is going to come quick! hehe... see you there!
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Postby AZblackOUT » Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:18 am

Test 1..2...Testing Testing! It works! :lol:

I cant make it to lunch tomorrow u guys... :? Got 2 be at the track by 10a, and dunno how long I have to be there...but I had fun this trip to phx, shouldnt be too long till im down again :wink:

Anyways, have fun tomorrow and take tons of pics for me!
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Postby danjmcs » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:56 pm

Ahhh, good times... great weather, great trip and great representation from Minis and their owners!

Gorgeous Morgan in Wickenburg. We had fun with them through the twistys around Skull Valley later in the day. That car is HOOKED UP!.


Awesome Bentley that the owner drove 500 miles just to the meet-up point, from New Mexico. Notice the "Horseless Carriage" license plate? Too Cool.



Lunch in Prescott. Parking was tight on Whiskey Row this year, thanks to 160 cars!



We had 16 Minis at the park in Cottonwood on Saturday, mostly DMC, a few prospective members, and 1 or 2 AMO members.


Even a little snow still in the mountains, and along the roadside.


After turning South onto AZ-87 from Happy Jack, we come across Mile Marker 289, and our DMC sign, where we'll be next week for the clean-up event!


And boy did the Mini table clean-up at the raffle drawings this morning after breakfast!

Thanks to everyone that made the trip!

Next years event will be on April 18th and 19th, so put it in your calendar now if you want to attend!
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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:57 am

Not sure what that Morgan had under the hood, but he passed a Lotus on the road to Wickenburg. It also won best car of the tour. There were 16 MINI's according to Teresa's count, a great showing. But, where were the classic Minis?

We had a terrific time on the B.E.A.T.. Thanks to TKSCRVS and MYTOOPS for the escort back to PHX.

We are reserving the dates for next year, April 18th & 19th 2009.

J & P
Yeh, we were the only MINI that didn't win something. Thanks to T for the pitty prize. :P
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