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Hows everyone doing

Postby YELLOWMINIAZ » Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:50 am

Hi all,
Haven't been online for awhile and miss you all.

I got a job now. Just something to get me out of the house because I am BORED. I work at Applebee's serving just during the day for lunch. Its not much but it gets me out of the house and talking to people again.

Bob is still good. He still likes his job. Its coming to an end so he will probably be transferred to another location here in Cliffside which is real close to our house. We are thinking that in the next 6 months we are going to sell his truck and buy another MINI. He all of a sudden wants to drive mine all the time. :roll: He must get his own... :)

I am getting nervous about turning 40. :shock: I know its a little less then 3 months away but wow is it on my mind. 40 and never been kissed....LOL

Sarah is still in AZ but here visiting for awhile. She works at Applebee's there on Alma School and Baseline in Mesa. Go in and see her and give her a hard time. :P

So whats new with all of you? I hope to be able to come back to AZ in October but will know that later.

IF you ever want to email me feel free...
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Postby deemotored » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:52 pm

Who is this? :lol:
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Postby Gottoon » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:55 pm

Hola Trace... good to hear things are going well.

See you in October then..

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Postby danjmcs » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:19 pm

Doing good Trace, BUSY as always! Going to miss you guys on the Twist & Shout run coming up this weekend!

Glad to hear things are going well for you guys and hope to see you soon!
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Postby azminiman » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:04 am

All good here,,,

Soo,, if I happen to be in the area, and come eat at that Applebee's, I will get the meal comp'd .. right?
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Postby R50 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:34 am

Good to hear good news about that Bob character. And he thought Mini owners were nutso!
Duff is the stuff!

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Postby azminiman » Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:37 am

:drama: well?? Hello,, food?? free???
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Postby perrin » Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:57 am

azminiman wrote::drama: well?? Hello,, food?? free???

She's working leave her alone!!! :lol: :lol:
Volvo C30 BB RD Stock so very stock and staying that way!! Wait........

had.....:( '05 MCSa HB/B all 4 packages, anthracite trim, H/K sound, Aero Kit, Pulley and intake.
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Postby It Works » Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:32 am

You need to come for our girls run! :)
'06 MCS JCW, Aero, Bilstein PSS9's SB/S
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Postby YELLOWMINIAZ » Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:40 pm

Sorry wasnt ignoring anyone. Haven't been on for awhile.

Mark... u tip well?

When is the girls run?

So I got this text the other morning...
"As I head out the morning for the 191 run in Pinetop I am really missing you two"

We miss all of you too!! Hope you had fun on the run. I haven't been on a run forever!!! They don't do as many runs here as you do there. We meet a lot for food and stuff.
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Postby azminiman » Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:37 am

yes I do.. especially when its on the corp card.. Soo,,, what applebee are you at
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Postby YELLOWMINIAZ » Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:36 pm

Shelby NC

I dont think I will be employed much longer though.

I was trying to not announce this because I was hoping things would get better.

I will cut this story down because its a very long story.
Back in March my mom went into the hospital here in Shelby for some stomach issues. They put an IV in her arm wrong and damaged her left arm. She was in physical therapy from April until about July and they said they couldn't help her anymore. All the Drs assumed it was a nerve issue that they damaged from the arm swelling almost 4 times its original size. She lost the feeling in her pinkie and ring finger and across the top of her hand and it burned constantly but to feel it was ice cold.

She has been in the hospital now since August 16 for again stomach issues. We don't know if the trauma to her body caused more issues in her arm but the arm was still ice cold and she was in extrememe pain. The hospital did some tests and found that the radial vein was not working from her elbow to the thumb area. Her thumb started to turn colors, it was dying. They did surgery this past Sunday to find out what was going on and found the vein had a inch long clot in the center of it. They cut out the clot and used a vein in her arm to route blood. We knew she was going to lose the tip of her thumb.

On Monday everything seemed to be going fine.. .the thumb was getting a little pinker underneith the nail bed so we thought it was only going to be the tip of the thumb.
Tuesday...a different story. Her fingers started to turn the same color as her thumb did. Wednesday it was even worse. It went from the finger tips to the center of her hand and the palm was all dark. They did and ultrasound and found that she was not getting blood flow to the hand and now they will have to amputate the hand.

The worse part is that we have to wait about 2 weeks for the hand to demarcate to make sure they don't do the surgery prematurely. They don't want to take too little and risk her getting an infection but they don't want to take too much either.
She is still in the hospital and they are trying to get her home before the surgery to get her emotionally ready, which I don't think anyone can get ready. She needs to be around her family though and thats what they are trying to do. After this surgery is over she has to go back in for another surgery and thats to have her colon removed. All of her stomach issues have been colon and its not working correctly. A double whammy for her.

She takes care of my grandma whos 82 but now she will need to be taken care of so I will need to quit to be able to help out.

We are putting a lawsuit together to make the Shelby hospital responsible for her. She is now in a Charlotte hospital which is an hour away from us. Its been difficult the last 4 weeks and it will probably get more difficult but God is on my side!!!

Keep her in your prayers please. I know quite a few of you have met her and know her. She would love to hear that my wonderful MINI family in AZ is holding her tight.

Love ya all!
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Postby th3118 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:55 am

Trace, so sorry to hear about your Mom. We will pray for her to get the best care possible. She's an awesome lady.

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Postby deemotored » Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:33 pm

I second that!
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Postby YELLOWMINIAZ » Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:23 am

Hi all,
Its been awhile... just wanted to update on my mom.

She is still in the hospital. Unfortunately on Sept 30 she had surgery to amputate her hand. They ended up going about 2 inches under her elbow so they had to take a little more then we hoped. Its just a little longer then Bob's arm. She is now in rehab to get her body working again. We think she might be having a MS flareup right now. Her legs just don't want to work.

Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks so much
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