Haven't been online for awhile and miss you all.
I got a job now. Just something to get me out of the house because I am BORED. I work at Applebee's serving just during the day for lunch. Its not much but it gets me out of the house and talking to people again.
Bob is still good. He still likes his job. Its coming to an end so he will probably be transferred to another location here in Cliffside which is real close to our house. We are thinking that in the next 6 months we are going to sell his truck and buy another MINI. He all of a sudden wants to drive mine all the time.

I am getting nervous about turning 40.

Sarah is still in AZ but here visiting for awhile. She works at Applebee's there on Alma School and Baseline in Mesa. Go in and see her and give her a hard time.

So whats new with all of you? I hope to be able to come back to AZ in October but will know that later.
IF you ever want to email me feel free... traceaz@cox.net