Come one, come all!
Okay, the route is set for this years Holiday Lights Run through the valley! For those not familiar, we put together a route of 8-10 of the better holiday light displays around the valley, and caravan around to each location in our Minis.
It's a really fun way to see some of the best light shows in the valley. We stop and walk through some of the bigger displays that allow for that, while some we just slowly drive by.
The run usually lasts a couple hours, and we have a break about halfway through at a Starbucks or coffee shop for a snack, bathroom break, etc.
We'd love to see some decorated Minis this year! Maybe a prize for the best one?

This year we are combining our Holiday Lights Run with a Food Drive for St. Vincent de Paul. Organizations like this help out a lot of those less fortunate in our community and I think during this time of year it is especially important to support them. Economic times are tough all around so lets please do our best to help out those in need during this holiday season.
Food Drive Information: "Non-perishable food items like canned meats, canned fruits, canned vegetables and canned soups are some of the most needed items."
Please bring all of your items with you to the meeting point. They will have boxes and an area for us inside their main lobby that is accessed from the North Parking Lot entrance.
Date: Saturday, December 13th.
Meeting Point: St. Vincent de Paul - 420 W. Watkins Road (North Parking Lot)
Map: Click Here - Turn North on 3rd Drive off Watkins to enter the North Parking Lot
Meeting Time: 5:00PM to 5:30PM for Food Drive Drop Off
Depart Time: 5:45-6:00 PM (Sunset is 5:21 PM that day)
Route: Secret!

You can see info on last years event here: ... php?t=3972