You beat me to it! I tried to start this yesterday but my internet was sooo slow!
Anywho, I thought that we'd meet at the same location as years past.
Time: Drivers meeting 9:00 AM, leaving 9:15 sharp
Wednesday, March 25th
Location: Starbucks
Address: 2501 W Happy Valley Rd Phoenix, AZ 85027
Map here: ... %252085027
Plan: Leaving at 9:15 should put us into Kingman around 11-ish. Gas and a quick 45 minutes lunch should put us back on the road which should put us into the parking lot by 2:00 allowing us time to check in and start the fun!
Post here if you're joining the Wednesday group!
Group a/o 3/13/09
Scuzzlepook (T)
Azminiman (Mark)
wearlaz (William)
OPC (Jose)
AZminis (Jeff)
Hellokittygirl (Reannon)
Pipsqueak (AJ)
Azblackout (Sushil)
Perrin (Alexis) - maybe
Punkin (Doran & Louise)
Minicdn (Paul & Debbie "Pabbie")
Woo hoo!

Vegas here we come!