AMVIV8 - May 19

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Postby Louie B. » Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:24 am

MINICDN wrote:...The way I interpret that sentence it that the card has a 1000 uses!

I interped it as they were only selling 1000 cards at this price. w:(w
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Postby Louie B. » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:46 pm

Registered and room booked. I plan to head up thurs...

AMVIV has a sceduled a run to Oatman on Thurs so I'm thinking of sceduling my drive up to meet w/ that run, gotta find out what time they're doing it. Anyone interested in caravaning that route?

That means missing driving over the new dam bridge but we can drive over that on the way home. to get Winnie in a more reliable condition before then. :?
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Postby phxsteele » Sat Mar 12, 2011 3:49 pm

Louie B. wrote:Registered and room booked. I plan to head up thurs...

AMVIV has a sceduled a run to Oatman on Thurs so I'm thinking of sceduling my drive up to meet w/ that run, gotta find out what time they're doing it. Anyone interested in caravaning that route?

That means missing driving over the new dam bridge but we can drive over that on the way home. to get Winnie in a more reliable condition before then. :?

I drove over the new bridge last month and its not very dramatic. High concrete walls on each side so you cant even see down to the dam. We were in a full size ford truck to, so setting low in a MINI you will have no chance of seeing anything.
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Postby atori » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:27 pm

I'm still not sure if I want to go on the dam tour or the Oatman drive....
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Postby deemotored » Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:31 pm

I was planning on heading up Wednesday night after work. :)
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Postby MINICDN » Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:59 pm

We are registered and booked at the Palace Station. We are leaving Thursday so meeting up with the Oatman run would be nice. Have not done that run yet! Keep us informed as you learn anymore details.
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Postby rockets21 » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:33 am

Dee is going, even if I have to drive down and pick her @ss up.
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Postby danjmcs » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:13 pm

Latest update - March 18, 2011
We've got a revised schedule up, with a more detailed timeline for those of you trying to plan your days. Go check it out!

We've added a Slots tournament for those folks that always arrive early ~ Wednesday night. Our Poker Tournament will be on Friday afternoon. More details will follow later.

We've got 61 people registered for the Dam tour so far. Remember, the tour can hold as many people as would like to sign up; but you MUST pre-register! If you don't register for the tour before online registration closes, you won't be able to go.

About the Dam tour. It's a chartered Dam tour on a set schedule. We will start gathering at 10:30am on Thursday morning. The bus will leave the Palace Station parking lot at 11am. If you are registered on the tour and do not board the bus at the appointed time, you will miss it AND the tour. No exceptions. Please plan accordingly.

The Poker Run will be run a little differently this year. Instead of starting at The Palace at a preset time, and going to a preset list of places to pick up cards - we'll be doing something different. This time, we'll be giving participants a list of questions to answer. These questions will require participants to drive around the Las Vegas Valley to find the answers. Completed lists will be turned in and cards will be handed out on Saturday. Each correct answer will award the participants a card. More complete instructions will be handed out later.

We will also be hosting a scavenger hunt of sorts. This hunt will most likely require the use of a camera and access to a Flickr account. It's also guaranteed to get you out there exploring Las Vegas. Again, more details will be made available later.

Oh and did we mention there will be kegs of Guinness at the Vendor Mixer aka 'Mayhem' on Friday night after the Las Vegas Strip Cruise? Just making sure you're paying attention. Speaking of vendors, if you're hoping to see your favorite MINI Vendors at AMVIV, but don't see them on our list yet, give them a holler.

Don't forget... to make your hotel reservations at Palace Station and get your discount, use this link.

To buy swag from previous AMVIV events, use this link.

To register for AMVIV, use this link.

And, to get your vendors signed up, tell them to use this link.

That's all for now. See you in May!

Jules - SCMC President
AMVIV Organizing Team
Happy Motoring!
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Postby Chili Mini » Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:26 am

Louie B. wrote:Registered and room booked. I plan to head up thurs...

AMVIV has a sceduled a run to Oatman on Thurs so I'm thinking of sceduling my drive up to meet w/ that run, gotta find out what time they're doing it. Anyone interested in caravaning that route?

That means missing driving over the new dam bridge but we can drive over that on the way home. to get Winnie in a more reliable condition before then. :?

We're interested in the Oatman/Rt. 66 run also. Can we get more info on times, meeting point, etc? We're coming up Thursday.
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Postby Louie B. » Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:52 pm

Chili Mini wrote:
Louie B. wrote:Registered and room booked. I plan to head up thurs...

AMVIV has a sceduled a run to Oatman on Thurs so I'm thinking of sceduling my drive up to meet w/ that run, gotta find out what time they're doing it. Anyone interested in caravaning that route?

That means missing driving over the new dam bridge but we can drive over that on the way home. to get Winnie in a more reliable condition before then. :?

We're interested in the Oatman/Rt. 66 run also. Can we get more info on times, meeting point, etc? We're coming up Thursday.

Sent an email via the "contact us" link on the website but haven't heard back from them yet...

Hey Larry, if you're still watching this thread could you do me a huge favor and find out who up there is in charge of that run and get me their contact info?
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Postby rockets21 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:28 pm

I will find out for you.
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Postby danjmcs » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:05 pm

rockets21 wrote:I will find out for you.

Thanks Larry! Also received an email back from Julie with the route info and she's going to put us in touch with the route leaders once they are assigned. Should be able to figure out where/when it would make sense to try to hook up with the Oatman Run for those that want to do that on the way over Thursday.
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I'd like to caravan

Postby shannonecke » Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:36 pm

Louie, I want to go on Thursday morning and would like to caravan with ya'll!
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Re: I'd like to caravan

Postby Louie B. » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:50 am

shannonecke wrote:Louie, I want to go on Thursday morning and would like to caravan with ya'll!

Sorry I haven't gotten the details together yet guys, I did get the info from Julie, just haven't had the time to calculate things out.

Soon... Very soon. :wink:
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Postby azdavis » Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:01 pm

I am officially signed up and have a room booked!

Count me in on the Thursday drive up!
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