MM-Last Saturday Breakfast October 29th

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MM-Last Saturday Breakfast October 29th

Postby 66Cooper » Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:53 pm

Meeting at the McDonalds parking lot on Ajo and Kinney Roads, we will take a twisty trip through Tucson Mountain Park and head to Lupita's Cafe' on Thornydale. Here's the plan.

Saturday October 29th
7:30 AM--Be at the McDonald's located at 4960 W. Ajo Way, this is at the corner of Kinney Road and Ajo Way. We will leave promptly at 7:30 so plan to get there a few minutes early if you can. Martha will lead us in a leisurely drive through the wonderful Saguaro forested Tucson Mtn. Park and to our breakfast location at Lupita's Cafe.

We expect to arrive at Lupita's at around 8:15-8:20 if all goes according to plan. If you aren't into getting up a little extra early to make the "fun run" you can just plan on meeting us at Lupita's.

Lupita's Cafe
7077 N Thornydale

Please email us as soon as possible to let us know you are coming so that Martha can warn Lupita's of how many of the MADMEN will be there, and if we will expect you at the starting point or just meet you at Lupita's.

After breakfast, if there is enough interest maybe we can head over to the Cops and Rodders Car Show at Hi-Corbett Field, Reid Park, as spectators. Here is the website for more information: There is still time to register for the show if you want to show your car, but the deadline is Wednesday October 26th (or when they run out of room)!
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