DRP - Second Sunday Sweets - Gilbert Ice Cream - Dec 11th

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DRP - Second Sunday Sweets - Gilbert Ice Cream - Dec 11th

Postby azdavis » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:47 pm

We are looking to the east side this month at:
Mike's Burgers, Cheesesteaks and Ice Cream (Formerly Gilbert Ice Cream if you are Google searching).

The shop use to be called Gilbert Ice Cream (which also sold burgers) but has recently changed its names to promote its food also.

Come out and enjoy the 50s-style diner, tucked into Gilbert Town Square just off Gilbert Road that sells Mid Western Meat Burgers, Cheese Steaks, and Vienna Beef hotdogs along with 26 flavors of Thrifty Ice Cream.

There is seating for 20 inside and 18 on the patio (we may be on the patio, dress accordingly)!
They close at 8pm on Sundays so, we are moving the time to 6pm to 8pm
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Postby Louie B. » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:54 pm

"I don't fail, I succeed in finding what doesn't work"
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