DRP - Adopt-a-Highway Roadside Cleanup - Sat., May 12

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DRP - Adopt-a-Highway Roadside Cleanup - Sat., May 12

Postby MINImama » Tue May 08, 2012 3:25 pm

My apologies for the late post on this one... sometimes life just gets in the way. However, it is that time of year again for the DMC's annual Adopt-a-Highway cleanup, near beautiful, cool Payson, AZ.

The highway cleanup started 4 years ago thanks to DRP member Suzanne Lipke, who got our sign in place and laid the groundwork for the DMC to give back to the state for all the many happy miles we motor around Arizona each year.

For those planning to attend, wear boots or some type of sneaker/tennis shoe. The terrain is mildly hilly/rocky, and dense pine needles cover the ground, so watch your footing. If you have a pair of utility/gardening gloves, bring them. This time of year, it is a good idea to dress in layers, with maybe a long sleeve shirt or jacket that can be removed as the day warms up. A hat is always a good idea to bring along. We will provide bottled water. ADOT provides the required safety vests and bags.

Those coming from the Phoenix area, we will meet at 8AM at the Baja Gas Station on the SouthEast corner of Ft. McDowell Road and the AZ-87. Departure time, 8:15AM Sharp, so please be gassed up and ready to go. As was mentioned in the threads for the Previous events, you should probaby gas up somewhere else before meeting up, as Bajas prices tend to be on the high-end, this just makes a good central meeting point.

Baja Gas Station
10180 N Fort Mcdowell Rd
Fort Mcdowell, AZ
(480) 837-3506

We will motor approximately 70 miles to Payson, where we'll stop on the north side of town for a bathroom break at the Maverik Country Store.

Maverik Country Store & Gas
715 N Beeline Hwy
Payson, AZ

After a quick stop, we will head north out of Payson, approximately 30 miles and proceed past our mile marker. We park at the Long Valley Cafe, which is right on AZ-87 at mile marker 290, approximately a mile north of where our mile marker is.

We should arrive at the Cafe at approximately 10:15. I will cover a few required safety matters, and then we will carpool to our work area by approximately 10:30.

We are usually finished within two hours, and then we return to the Long Valley Cafe where Denise and her welcoming crew serve up a delicious lunch of burgers and other diner favorites.

After lunch, we'll head back down the hill and stop at Pine Creek Fudge & Ice Cream for our Second Sunday... er.. I mean Saturday Sweets!

Please RSVP by replying here in this thread or on the DMC Facebook page so we can get an accurate count for the cafe.

Not sure what this is all about? See the four previous cleanup threads below:
http://www.dynamicminicollective.org/fo ... php?t=3987
http://www.dynamicminicollective.org/fo ... php?t=4865
http://www.dynamicminicollective.org/fo ... php?t=5263
http://www.dynamicminicollective.org/fo ... php?t=5891
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Postby Nemo » Wed May 09, 2012 1:57 pm

For the FIRST Time, I don't think we will be able to make this one. :(
Already had other plans.
BTW...I don't Face or Tweet. so you'll see my reponses on our Forum. Call me old fashion... :wink:
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Postby danjmcs » Wed May 09, 2012 2:21 pm

This is a really great event... it might sound like "work", but that part of it really takes a short period of time. The drive and the chat (and the food) is what it is all about. If you haven't been on this run/event, highly recommend :)

And it's just cool to give back a little with our time and help keep the roads clean that we all enjoy so much.
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Postby azdavis » Wed May 09, 2012 2:33 pm

I attended my first Road Cleanup last year, had alot of fun, and have been looking forward to it again... Especially on being able to get out of the triple digit weather for a bit this weekend!

I highly suggest everyone try to make it...

Unfortunately, it looks like I wont make this one afterall, had a work event rescheduled from Friday to Saturday ....
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Highway cleanup

Postby azjustin1973 » Fri May 11, 2012 5:46 am

Sounds like fun, and a little help keeping our motoring-ways clean! Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday! 8)

Looks like I'll have to try to make the next one...apparently work can't do without me tomorrow. :( :evil: Sorry for the late notice! Have fun and safe motoring!
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