Watch Out for LVPAT

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Watch Out for LVPAT

Postby Chili Mini » Sat May 12, 2012 11:42 pm

Watch out for a pin head driving a large dark red van (Dodge?) with ASU license plate LVPAT. Friday 4 p.m. on the westbound 101 he deliberately and repeatedly blocked us in the HOV lane. With moderate to heavy traffic but the HOV lane clear, he suddenly pulled in front of us as we started to pass. Then he slowed down blocking us and all others in the HOV lane. When ever we tried to pass using a gap on the right he would speed up. He would let others pass, but not our Mini. With a big enough gap I eventually did pass him. He exited somewhere in the north valley.

Barbara encounters these pin heads all the time here on the west side.
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Postby 66Cooper » Sun May 13, 2012 5:08 am

I will go with your assumption that he has a thing about MINI's, I don't know though.

In April we were in Phoenix and a car tried to come over and share the lane with my son who was driving ahead of us in his just barely acquired MINI. It scared me to death. I guessed she just couldn't see the bright Electric Blue MINI? :shock:

Then it happened again in Tucson to him while I was riding with him. And just last week a Chevy Aveo tried to "share a lane" with us while my wife was driving my MINI.

I was about to swear people were out to kill both of our Electric Blue MINI's. :evil:
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Postby Chili Mini » Sun May 13, 2012 7:18 am

The oblivious are everywhere - they have no idea what's going on around them. What both I and my wife also encounter, mostly in the west valley, are drivers who deliberately harass MINI drivers. But then, there are also the driver's over here who have large decals on their rear windows that say "F*** Scottsdale."
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Postby JPMINITUCSON » Sun May 13, 2012 5:49 pm

Had the first real test of my new 7 1/2 inch Cooper S brakes in the classic Mini on Friday when a Lexus cut me off to go around a stopped bus. No signal, less than a foot off my front bumper. 45 year old technology beats modern day stupidity!
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Postby danjmcs » Mon May 14, 2012 10:09 pm

Chili Mini wrote:The oblivious are everywhere - they have no idea what's going on around them. What both I and my wife also encounter, mostly in the west valley, are drivers who deliberately harass MINI drivers. But then, there are also the driver's over here who have large decals on their rear windows that say "F*** Scottsdale."

I've lived in the west valley for 20+ years, and I write it off more to the oblivious, a-hole drivers. I've never experienced anything that I could consider targeted because I was in a MINI. Other than the embarrassed boyfriend after being smoked by a MINI, I've had more issues with clueless soccer-mom types in SUVs and minivans just not paying attention to the road.
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Postby KMPSSBL » Mon May 14, 2012 11:47 pm

Ever since I got my MINI, I've experienced more people trying to "share my lane" more than ever. My car before this one was bigger, but not THAT big. I'm so tired of the idiots here in not just Phx, but AZ in general. I am more afraid of driving NOW than I was 7 years ago when I first got my license. It's very difficult to enjoy driving a manual for the first time (in a MINI, no less) when you have to watch EVERY move that's around you. People need to pay attention and let the dumb little things go, like the red van in the OP's post. People who do that to other drivers have a stick up their bum and need to get off the road. Just cuz your vehicle is bigger, it don't mean you're cooler ;)

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