DRP - 2nd Sunday Sweets - Sept. 8th

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DRP - 2nd Sunday Sweets - Sept. 8th

Postby bigcoyote » Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:14 pm

It's that time of the month again - Bring your MINI and your sweet tooth down to Orange Leaf in Gilbert and have good time with your fellow Rat Packers.

When: Sunday Sept. 8th @ 7:00PM till about 8:30PM

Where: Orange Leaf Gilbert
1435 E. Warner Rd.
Gilbert, AZ.

“At Orange Leaf, we provide you with decadent flavors reminiscent of your childhood trips to the local dessert shop as well as fruit-based flavors that will suit even the most health conscious individuals.”
Past - 04 MCS - Whalen 8 ball, Dinan CAI, 15% pully, Unichip, B&B
Present - 11 Clubman - Short Shift, Whalen, Silencer Mod
"Man, your car is fast - 'cause you were hauling a$$ when I passed you!"
Flicker http://www.flickr.com/photos/bigcoyote/
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