DRP - Rock Springs Pie Binge - Sat. March 1st @ 1pm

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DRP - Rock Springs Pie Binge - Sat. March 1st @ 1pm

Postby bigcoyote » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:34 pm

Just throwing this out there before it gets too hot... Rock Springs Cafe Hogs & Heat the first Saturday of the month. Stuff your face with Jack Daniels Pecan Pie and fried cow balls. Open to anyone.

"It’s hard not to notice the aroma of mesquite barbecued beef. That’s when the Café holds its “Hogs 'N Heat” ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT dinner of BBQ Beef, Chicken and Pork, Rocky Mountain Oysters and “Not Quite Cowboy” Beans. Diners are treated to live music, dancing, and activities for children (face painting, balloon toss, water slides, and more).

But great barbecue isn't the only reason folks stop by. You'll also find a relaxed atmosphere and a warm smile every time you come in. It's a great place to relax, meet friends, dance or just have a refreshing drink when traveling through.

Hogs 'N Heat will be year-round January thru December on the first Saturday of each month, generally from 1pm-11pm on the Rock Springs Garden Patio. Summer hours of operation may change so call ahead. "

WHEN: Sat. March 1st @ 1pm

WHERE: Rock Springs Cafe
35769 S. Old Black Canyon Hwy
Black Canyon, AZ. 86324
Past - 04 MCS - Whalen 8 ball, Dinan CAI, 15% pully, Unichip, B&B
Present - 11 Clubman - Short Shift, Whalen, Silencer Mod
"Man, your car is fast - 'cause you were hauling a$$ when I passed you!"
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